Happy Navratri 2025: Navratri Wishes, Quotes and Messages
Updated: March 25, 2025
Navratri is a festival of devotion and joy. Total four Navratri are celebrated throughout the year in India. Among them, two are the most popular. The first one is Chaitra Navratri, and another one is Sharad Navratri. Chaitra Navratri is celebrated in March- April months. It marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year. Sharad Navratri is celebrated in September-October months. This Navratri is widely celebrated in India, which is leading up to Dusshera. Both Navratri honor Goddess Durga and her nine forms. During these auspicious days people do fasts, prayers and perform rituals. During these days sharing Navratri wishes, quotes and messages with your loved one keeps tradition alive, adds joy and happiness in the festival. We also have curated a list of heartfelt Navratri wishes, messages to share with friends, family and more. Let’s celebrate the festive spirit together by sharing Navratri greetings.
Table of Content
- Chaitra Navratri Wishes Quotes
- Shubh Navratri Wishes Quotes
- Happy Navratri Wishes in English
- Happy Navratri Wishes in Hindi
- Happy Navratri Wishes in Gujarati
- Happy Navratri Wishes in Sanskrit
- Happy Navratri Short Wishes
- Navratri Wishes for Love
- Navratri 1 to 9 Days Wishes
- Navratri Quotes 2025
- Deep Meaning Powerful Durga Quotes
- Navratri Quotes in English
- Navratri Quotes in Hindi
- Navratri Quotes in Gujarati
- Navratri Quotes in Marathi
- Navratri Quotes in Sanskrit
- Navratri Quotes in Kannada
- Navratri Messages for WhatsApp
- Navratri Captions for Instagram
- FAQs Related to Navratri
Chaitra Navratri Wishes Quotes
As said above, Chaitra Navratri marks the beginning of the Hindu year. Chaitra Navratri significance is about new beginnings, devotion, and the victory of good over evil. Let’s Celebrate this special time with these warm wishes.
- Wishing you a prosperous Chaitra Navratri!
- May this Chaitra Navratri bring happiness, peace and prosperity to your life!
- Happy Navratri! May the divine blessings of Goddess Durga be with you.
Shubh Navratri Wishes Quotes
Navratri is a festival of joy, and new beginnings. Share these Shubh Navratri wishes and quotes to spread positivity and happiness with your loved ones.
- Shubh Navratri To you and Your Family!
- May the blessings of Maa Durga fill your home with prosperity, success, and happiness.
- May Maa Durga inspire you to be a better person and fill your heart with joy!
Happy Navratri Wishes in English
We love sending beautifully written Navratri wishes to our dear ones. But we all get confused about what to send them. Check out these happy Navratri wishes in English. And along with these you can gift a booklet of memories, it is none other than a Festive Fun Photo Books.

- Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights, comes as a resurrecting event to kindle our spirits and imbibe new confidence in us. May this festival lead us from ignorance to wisdom and from darkness to light.
- May Maa Durga bestow upon you and your family nine forms of blessings- Fame, Name, Wealth, Prosperity, Happiness, Education, Health, Power, and Commitment. Happy Navratri!
- May this Navratri fill your life with the colors of happiness and prosperity. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Navratri.
- Wishing you the energy of Maa Durga, the prosperity of Ma Lakshmi, and the wisdom of Ma Saraswati. Wishing you a warm and blessed Navratri. Have a blessed Navratri!
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Happy Navratri Wishes in Hindi
Hindi is one of the most widely used languages for us. Have a look at these happy creative Navratri wishes in Hindi.

- इस वर्ष आपके जीवन में सबसे अच्छा समय, उत्सव और सफलता हो। ढेर सारी खुशियाँ और शांति से भरपूर, आनंदमयी नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएँ। नवरात्रि के शुभ दिनों में आपके जीवन में ऊर्जा , धन , और ज्ञान प्रकट हो। शुभ नवरात्रि!
- एक नया दिन फिर से आ गया है; परिपूर्ण और बेदाग; आनंद और बिना शर्त प्यार फैलाते हुए इसका सर्वोत्तम उपयोग करें। शुभ नवरात्रि!
- दुर्गा अपनी उपस्थिति से हमें अनुग्रहित करने आई हैं; आइए हम खुशी और भावना के साथ उनकी पूजा करें, उनके आशीर्वाद को संजोएं और अपने प्रियजनों के साथ जश्न मनाएं। मैं आप सभी को नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएँ देता हूँ!
- माँ दुर्गा के नौ अवतार आपको नौ गुण - शक्ति, खुशी, मानवता, शांति, ज्ञान, भक्ति, नाम, प्रसिद्धि और स्वास्थ्य प्रदान करें।
Happy Navratri Wishes in Gujarati
Gujarati is a sweet language to speak. Let us have a look at the Navratri wishes 2025 in Gujarati.

- દેવી તમને ઘણા આશીર્વાદ અને સારા સ્વાસ્થ્ય અને સંપત્તિ સાથે વરસાવે. તમે આ તહેવારનો દરેક ભાગ માણો. હેપ્પી નવરાત્રી!
- દેવી દુર્ગાના સન્માન તરીકે, ચાલો આપણે આપણી ચારે બાજુ ખુશી અને આનંદ ફેલાવીએ. હેપ્પી નવરાત્રી!
- ઉદાર દેવી મા દુર્ગા તમારા જીવનને અસંખ્ય આશીર્વાદોથી ઉજ્જવળ બનાવે. હું આશા રાખું છું કે તમારી પ્રાર્થનાઓ સુખ અને સમૃદ્ધિ લાવે. તમને ચૈત્ર નવરાત્રી 2025ની શુભકામનાઓ!
- શુભ નવરાત્રી હોય. નવરાત્રિના નવ દિવસ અને નવ રાત્રિઓ પર તમારી બધી પ્રાર્થનાઓ તમને સારું સ્વાસ્થ્ય, સારા નસીબ, ખ્યાતિ અને નસીબ લાવે. આપને નવરાત્રીની ખૂબ ખૂબ શુભેચ્છાઓ.
Happy Navratri Wishes in Sanskrit
Our ancient manuscripts are written in Sanskrit. Then, how about cherishing our culture by sending Navratri wishes in Sanskrit? Here is a list. Check it out.

- नवदुर्गापूजायाः एते नव शुभदिनानि भवतः परिवारस्य च जीवनं प्रकाशयन्तु। अस्मिन् नवरात्रे देवी दुर्गाया भवन्तु सर्वे।। नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं !
- नवरात्रि अत्र अस्ति ! अयं समयः अस्ति यत् भगवतीं दुर्गां अस्माकं द्वारे स्वागतं कृत्वा पूर्णप्रेमभक्तिपूर्वकं पूजयितुं शक्नुमः।
- प्रार्थयामः यत् एषा नवरात्री, माँ दुर्गा अस्मान् स्वस्य दिव्य आशीर्वादं ददातु। नवरात्रस्य शुभकामना भवतः परिवाराय च !
- नवशक्तिः अस्माकं जीवने स्वागतं कृत्वा सुखी समृद्धजीवनस्य कृते तेषां आशीर्वादं याचयितुम् समयः अस्ति। नवरात्रस्य शुभकामना भवद्भ्यः परिवाराय च।
- शिरः प्रणम्य प्रार्थयामः नव देवीः ये अस्मान् रक्षणं आशीर्वादं च प्रतिज्ञां कुर्वन्ति। नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामना दुर्गा पूजा की शुभकामनाएं।
Happy Navratri Short Wishes
Enlisted below are the Navratri short wishes. They are perfect to send to your dear ones. Check them out.
- May the Goddess Durga remove all your sufferings and sorrows. Wishing you a happy Navratri!
- Happy Navratri! May Durga Maa continue to shower you with blessings this year and in the upcoming years.
- May the Navratri bring hope and inspiration to your home and life! Happy Navratri to everyone.
Navratri Wishes for Love
You surely have strong feelings for the love of your life. How about showcasing them by sending lovely wishes? Here are some Navratri wishes for your love.

- Let us pray that the divine blessings of Goddess Durga bring you eternal happiness and peace. That they protect you from all wrongdoings and grant you all your wishes. Happy Navratri to you and your family.
- I pray that Durga Maa blesses you on this special occasion of Navratri and lights up the hope of happy times and your year becomes full of smiles.
- May Dhan, Yash, and Samriddhi come into your life in abundance. Happy Navratri.
- May this festival fill your life with new joys that surround you and your loved ones with positive vibes now and forever. Happy Navratri to you and your family!
Navratri 1 to 9 Days Wishes
Navratri is a festival for nine days where the devotees wholeheartedly worship the nine Devis. Let us figure out the wishes for each day. Along with these Navratri wishes, bring a cheek-to-cheek smile to the faces of your family members by creating a customized canvas print that can be hung in the living room. And this way, you can make your family reunion memorable.
1. Navratri Day One Wishes
On the first day of Navratri, Devi Shailaputri is worshipped. In this form, Devi is revered as the daughter of Himalaya Raja. The meaning of Shaila is rising to great heights or extraordinary. We pray that Devi Shailaputri fills our lives with the highest state of consciousness.

- May the Goddess Shailputri illuminate your life with countless blessings and give you lots of happiness. Happy Navratri!
- May all your tension get knocked off, and you achieve success in anything you sign up for with the blessing of Maa Shailputri. Happy Navratri!
- May the goddess Shailputri usher your life with happiness, peace, and positivism throughout the year. Have a wonderful Navratri! Enjoy the occasion with your family and friends!
- I wish you get blessed with happiness and may all your dreams come true on this delightful occasion. Happy Navratri!
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2. Navratri Day Two Wishes
On the second day of Navratri, we worship Devi Brahmacharini, and she is considered to be the form of Parvati in which she undertook severe penance to have Lord Shiva as her consort. Brahma means divine consciousness and the word ‘achar’ signifies behaviour. The second day of Navratri is devoted to meditation and exploring inner divinity.

- May the Goddess Brahmacharni illuminate your life with countless blessings and give you lots of happiness. Happy Navratri!
- May all your tension get knocked off, and you achieve success in anything you sign up for with the blessing of Maa Bramcharni. Happy Navratri!
- May the goddess Bramcharni usher your life with happiness, peace, and positivism throughout the year. Have a wonderful Navratri! Enjoy the occasion with your family and friends!
- May Bramcharni Mata bless you with her 9 strong traits on this Navratri and you prosper in life like a brightening star. Happy Navratri!
3. Navratri Day Three Wishes
On the third day of Navratri, we worship Devi Chandraghanta. This form of Devi is the unique avatar. ‘Chandra’ refers to the moon and that moon represents our mind. ‘Ghanta’ symbolizes a bell which produces the same kind of sound. This special day of Navratri signifies withdrawing us from all the negativities of mind and the focus is just on the Mother Divine.

- May the goddess Chandrghanta usher your life with happiness, peace, and positivism throughout the year. Have a wonderful Navratri! Enjoy the occasion with your family and friends!
- I wish you get blessed with happiness and may all your dreams come true on this delightful occasion. Happy Navratri!
- We have defeated all the odds and never left each other. Let us be thankful to goddess Chandrghanta for giving us strength and patience. Happy Navratri!
- I am very grateful to Chandrghanta Mata for sending you into my life. I cannot imagine my life without you, sweetheart. Have a blissful Navratri!
4. Navratri Day Four Wishes
On the fourth day of Navratri, we worship Devi Kushmanda. Kushmanda simply means pumpkin. ‘Ku’ means little, ‘ushma’ implies energy, and ‘anda’ refers to an egg. The entire universe is believed to arise from the cosmic egg. Devi Kushmanda showers us with her divine energy.

- May Maa Kushmanda come to grace her with her presence; let us worship her with happiness and spirit, cherish her blessings and celebrate with our loved ones. Happy Navratri to You and Your Family!
- May Maa Kushmanda illuminate your life with countless blessings of happiness. Happy Navratri!
- May Kushmanda Mata bless you with her 9 strong traits on this Navratri and you prosper in life like a brightening star. Happy Navratri!
- My head bows before Kushmanda Maa and my heart bows before you. My devotion goes to her and my love goes to you. Wishing you nine nights of celebration, laughter, and love. Happy Navratri dear.
5. Navratri Day Five Wishes
Skandamata simply means Mother of Skanda. On the fifth day of Navratri, we worship the motherly avatar of Devi Parvati. Devi blesses us with wisdom, power, prosperity, and liberation.

- May the true Mother Skand bless you and your family with all her wonderful blessings. Happy Navratri from my family to yours.
- If I could, I would bring all the smiles in the world to my family. Dear Maa Skand, please keep my family in your book for good. Happy Navratri.
- Here I hope Skand Mata inspires you with her wisdom, strength, love, positivity, and devotion. Happy Navratri!
- Defeat the evil in life with the blessings of Skand Mata. May this Navratri bring peace and prosperity to you and your family! Happy Navratri!
6. Navratri Day Six Wishes
On the sixth day of Navratri, we worship Devi Katyayini. This form of Devi is assumed to annihilate the demonic forces of the universe. Devi Katyayini puts an end to inner foes and leads us to the path of spirituality.

- May the blessings of Goddess Katyayini always be with you. Wishing you happiness! Happy Navratri.
- May Goddess Katyayini bless you with good health, wealth, peace, happiness, prosperity and long life. Happy Navratri.
7. Navratri Day Seven Wishes
On the seventh day, we devote ourselves to Devi Kalratri. Kalratri is a fierce form of Devi. Devi Kalratri blesses our souls with comfort and solace.

- May Kalratri Mata bless you with her 9 strong traits on this Navratri and you prosper in life like a brightening star. Happy Navratri!
- My head bows before Kalratri Maa and my heart bows before you. My devotion goes to her and my love goes to you. Wishing you nine nights of celebration, laughter, and love. Happy Navratri dear.
- May Maa Kalratri put an end to all the negativities that surround you and leave you with happiness and smile. Happy Navratri!
- Kalratri Mata is the most generous and my heart hopes her blessings will be always with you. Happy Navratri.
8. Navratri Day Eight Wishes
Devi Mahagauri is a beautiful avatar of Mata. She is known for blessing the devotees with freedom in life. She is the energy that propels our lives and liberates us.

- May Mahagauri Mata bless you with her 9 strong traits on this Navratri and you prosper in life like a brightening star. Happy Navratri!
- My head bows before Mahagauri Maa and my heart bows before you. My devotion goes to her and my love goes to you. Wishing you nine nights of celebration, laughter, and love. Happy Navratri dear.
- There will always be bad people like you in this world. So, goddess Mahagauri will keep coming back every year. Happy Navratri!
- Mahagauri Mata is the most generous and my heart hopes her blessings will be always with you. Happy Navratri.
- May Mahagauri Mata remove all the obstacles and dangers in our lives. Have a safe celebration of Navratri.
9. Navratri Day Nine Wishes
On the final day of Navratri, we worship Goddess Siddhidhatri. Devi brings perfection to our lives and allows us to explore the realm beyond time and space. On the last day of Navratri let’s click a beautiful family photo and get it printed on calendars, which is one of the best ideas of family photo calendars.

- May Maa Siddhidhatri bless you with happiness, good health, and prosperity. Let's share all our joy and fun together in this Navratri.
- May the true Mother Siddhidhatri bless you and your family with all her wonderful blessings. Happy Navratri from my family to yours.
- If I could, I would bring all the smiles in the world to my family. Dear Maa Siddhidhatri, please keep my family in your book for good. Happy Navratri.
- Here I hope Siddhidhatri Mata inspires you with her wisdom, strength, love, positivity, and devotion. Happy Navratri!
- Defeat the evil in life with the blessings of Siddhidhatri Mata. May this Navratri bring peace and prosperity to you and your family! Happy Navratri!
Navratri Quotes 2025
My dear readers, we got to know about the separate wishes for all nine days of Navratri. Now, how about sending happy Navratri quotes to your dear ones? Wondering what to write as quotes? Check out the Navratri quotes for 2025. When you send these to your loved ones will make them feel that you have made efforts for them. Also send them something personalized gift, which is one of the unique photo gift ideas.
Deep Meaning Powerful Durga Quotes
Goddess Durga represents the victory over evil. She symbolizes power and courage. Here are some deep and powerful Durga quotes to share with your loved ones.
- Accept your inner divine feminine, which is the source of your compassion, bravery, and strength.
- Every woman is a living example of Goddess Durga’s grace, wisdom, and strength of Durga.
- Be courageous and brave to face life's greatest challenges.
There are many such Happy Navratri Quotes that inspire us to face the challenges of life. Let’s jump to the quotes in English.
Navratri Quotes in English
Confused about what to send as Navratri quotes in English? Check out these interesting Navratri quotes in English. With the wonderful quotes, don't miss the chance to bring a cheek-to-cheek smile to the faces of your loved ones by giving them gifts. And what is better than photo gifts?
- “May Maa Durga bestow you and your family with 9 forms of blessings- Fame, Name, Wealth, Prosperity, Happiness, Education, Health, Power, and Commitment. Happy Navratri”
- “May Goddess Durga provide you the strength to overcome all obstacles in life. Shubh Navratri!”
- “May this Navratri Fill Your life with the colors Of Happiness and Prosperity. Wishing You and Your Family A very Happy Navratri”
Navratri Quotes in Hindi
Hindi is the national language. Are you wondering how to pen down the Navratri quotes in hindi? Have a look at these Navratri quotes in Hindi.

- दगी की हर तमन्ना हो पूरी कोई भी आरजू ना रहे अधूरी करते हैं हाथ जोड़कर मां दुर्गा से बिनती कि आपकी हर मनोकामना हो पूरी | नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं !
- मां दुर्गा का रूप है अति सुहावन, इस नवरात्रि आप पर बरसे मां की कृपा, ख़ुशियां महके आपके घर-आंगन, हैप्पी नवरात्रि!
Navratri Quotes in Gujarati
Speaking Gujarati always gives that undertone of sweetness. Sending these sweet wishes will induce a flair of sweetness. Have a look at these Navratri quotes in Gujarati.
- “જીવન પણ સુખોથી છલકી જાય એવા મારા આશીર્વાદ મા દુર્ગા સૌનું ભલું કરે .. નવરાત્રી પર્વ ની આપને ઢેરો શુભ-કામના. હેપ્પી નવરાત્રી”
- “આખા વિશ્વની રક્ષા કરે છે મા, મન ની શાંતી આપે છે મા, અમારી ભક્તિ ને સાંભળે છે મા, અમારા બધા ની રક્ષા કરે છે મા .. બધા ને હેપ્પી નવરાત્રી !! હેપ્પી નવરાત્રી”
Navratri Quotes in Sanskrit
How about surprising your Marathi friends by sending them Navratri marathi quotes? Have a look at these Navratri quotes for women in Marathi. How about surprising your Marathi friends by sending them Navratri marathi quotes? Have a look at these Navratri quotes for women in Marathi.
- “नवरात्रीच्या मंगल समयी देवी तुम्हाला सुख, समृद्धि आणि ऐश्वर्य प्रदान करो… तुमच्या सर्व मनोकामना पूर्ण होवो… हीच देवीला प्रार्थना… तुम्हाला नवरात्रीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा…”
- “आजपासून सुरू होणा-या नवरात्र ऊत्सवाच्या तुम्हाला व तुमच्या कुटुंबियांना हार्दिक शुभेच्छा… शक्तीची देवता असलेली अंबे माता आपणा सर्वांना सुख,समृद्धी व यशप्राप्तीसाठी आशीर्वाद देवो हीच अंबे मातेच्या चरणी नम्र प्रार्थना…अंबे माता की जय…”
Navratri Quotes in Sanskrit
To honor the Sanskrit language, here are some Navratri quotes in Sanskrit. Don't forget to send these to the ones who are fond of Sanskrit language.

- “देहि सौभाग्यमारोग्यं देहि मे परमं सुखम्। रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि।।”
- “शरणागतदीनार्तपरित्राणपरायणे। सर्वस्यार्तिहरे देवि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते।।”
Navratri Quotes in Kannada
Looking for some Kannada wishes for your dear ones? Enlisted below are the Navratri quotes in Kannada. Have a look at them. It will help you surely.
- ಈ 9 ದಿನಗಳ ನವರಾತ್ರಿ ಹಬ್ಬವೂ ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕುಟುಂಬದವರಲ್ಲಿ ಭಕ್ತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂತೋಷವನ್ನು ಚೆಲ್ಲಲಿ. ದುರ್ಗಾ ಮಾತೆಯು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೇಲೆ ಆಕೆಯ ಆಶೀರ್ವಾದದ ಮಳೆಯನ್ನೇ ಸುರಿಸಲಿ... ನವರಾತ್ರಿ 2025 ರ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು..!
- ಮಹಾನ್ ದೇವತೆ ದುರ್ಗಾ ದೇವಿಯು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಜೀವನದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಅಡೆತಡೆಗಳನ್ನು ಜಯಿಸಲು ಶಕ್ತಿ, ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆ ಮತ್ತು ಧೈರ್ಯವನ್ನು ನೀಡಲಿ. ನವರಾತ್ರಿಯ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು..!
Navratri Messages for WhatsApp
We love sending WhatsApp Navratri messages to our dear ones. Check out these positive Navratri quotes to send over WhatsApp. And when your loved ones will make your dear ones. So, don't forget to send these happy Navratri wishes for WhatsApp in English.

- “Wishing a very Happy Navratri to everyone…. May you and your loved ones be always protected from the evil and surround you with goodness and happiness.”
- “On the occasion of Navratri, may all your wishes come true…. May you find success in everything you do…. May you be always blessed.”
- “A very Happy Navratri to everyone. May this beautiful and vibrant festival of nine days and nine nights be full of good luck and prosperity for all of us.”
- “Warm wishes on Navratri to all. Let us perform garba and enjoy the festivities as we seek the blessings of the nine goddesses. ”
- “May the festival of Navratri bring into your life many more opportunities that bring you success and prosperity.”
Navratri Captions for Instagram
These days, our festivals seem incomplete without uploading our selfies on Instagram. And Instagram pictures are quite incomplete without Instagram captions for friends in Navratri. So, here are some Navratri captions for Instagram.

- May the Navratri nights never get over.
- The most festive nights are here. Happy Navratri.
- Let the beats of Garba and the blessing of Maa Durga make it an awesome Navratri.
- Keep calm, it is Garba night!
- The most awaited time of the year is here. Have a wonderful Navratri.
Winding Up with Navratri Messages and Quotes
My dear readers, now you got the hang of how to pen down the happy Navratri wishes to your loved ones. So, now you don't have to get worried about sending unique wishes to your family and friends. Along with the abovementioned wishes, send your loved one's beautiful photo gifts. And the concern of photo gifts you can completely leave on Picsy. All you have to do is download the Picsy app and order memorable photo gifts.
FAQs Related to Navratri
1. Which are positive Navratri quotes for Instagram?
- Navratri makes you ready for the future. Learn from all nine forms of the goddess to better prepare yourself.
- The nine days of Navratri teach nine hundred lessons to each one of us. It's up to us how much we learn.
- Wishing nine days of Navratri to all devotees of Maa Durga!
- If you can't respect women, your worship of goddess Durga is of no use.
2. How will you preserve memories of Navratri this year?
- With Picsy, it is quite easy to preserve your memories. You can get your hands on Family Acrylic Photo Frame, Family Floating Frame, Festival Photo Books, etc.
3. What are some tradional Navratri Greetings?
- May the positive vibes of Navratri take away all the negativities from your life and bless you with a vibrant festive season. Wishing you a very Happy Navratri.
- May Maata fill your home with happiness and success. May Maata give you all the strength and motivation to keep moving ahead in life. Happy Navratri.
4. How do I write a unique Navratri status with spiritual quotes?
- "May Maa Durga bless you with strength, wisdom, and happiness. Shubh Navratri!"
- "This Navratri, awaken the Shakti in you and shine with divine energy!"
- "Victory of good over evil, light over darkness & celebrate the power of Maa Durga!”
Ready to hold your memories in hand?