Brighten up your whole year with Creative Family photo calendar ideas

Updated: January 03, 2024

Brighten up your whole year with Creative Family photo calendar ideas

If you happen to be looking for a way to brighten up your year with the magical moments you have spent with your family, then you have reached the right place. Photographs are a wonderful way of reliving cherished moments, a trip down memory lane, if we may use the phrase. But having clunky photo frames strewn all over your desk can prove to be quite a hassle. Don't worry. Picsy has the perfect solution.

Presenting family photo calendars from Picsy. Now you can not only browse through your favorite photos whenever you wish, showcase your photography chops, and even have a fresh new photograph of your family greet you every month.

Picsy offers endless design options and photo calendar templates for your Family photo calendar. You could use one of our templates, or if you are the DIY type, you could make your own calendar and create a theme from scratch for your personalised photo calendars. Whichever option you choose, you can rest assured that your family photo calendar is going to be the centerpiece of your work-desk. So liven and brighten up your whole year, here are ten ultra-creative family photo calendar ideas.

10 Creative Family photo calendar ideas

1. Photo collage

Family Photo Collage Calendar

The one pic per page layout is a classic, but we will come to that later. You see, a year only has 12 months, and you have a repertoire of a million mesmerizing moments with your family. To do justice to the best pics you have of your family, you could create a photo calendar with Picsy in which every page is a collage of photographs with your family.

Read More : 8 Artistic Photo collage ideas for you and your loved ones

2. Classic

Classic Family Photo Calendar Online

Yes, you guessed it. The one picture per page approach is indeed a classic. While choosing the perfect photo for each page is going to be an exhaustive yet enjoyable task, you could ask your family to choose the photographs for you for a surprise dose of good vibes every month when you flip the page.

3. Black and white

Black and white Family Photo Calendar

Somethings never go out of style, and so it is with black and white photos. Make your own family calendar. Capture candid moments of your family as they frolic about, or maybe funny things your baby is doing or even the beautiful smile of your better half. Convert these images to black and white, and voila, you have a collection of masterpieces to include in your photo calendar.

4. Quotable Quotes

Family Photo Calenar With Quotes

Every person in your family is a unique individual with unique opinions, unique philosophies, and a unique outlook towards life. Sometimes children say the wisest things, and sometimes adults do the exact opposite. Picsy allows you to include quotes into your family photo calendar, and you could include a quote from each family member to accompany their photographs in your calendar.

5. The theme of the month

family photo calendar based on a specific theme

You could design your family photo calendar based on a specific theme for each month—reindeers for January, spooky costumes for October, and the ever-popular red, green and white for December. Perhaps certain months have a unique place in your heart, and you could create a theme that celebrates the month in your personal aesthetic for the best family calendar.

6. Avatars

create a perfect avatar in a family photo calendar

There are numerous apps available online (le me –facebook) that can create a perfect avatar of you and your loved ones. Spend a little time on the internet, and you are sure to find a free service. If you feel artistic, you could create caricatures of your family yourself and enjoy many a laugh each month as the pages are turned in your creative photo calendars.

7. Pet Double

Pet Double Famiy Photo Calendar

If you have a furry companion at home, then this is the perfect idea for you. Dress up your beloved pet in your family member's clothes, and then have him pose for the camera. You can make a little monthly game out of it with your family where they try and decipher who their dearest doggo is impersonating.

8. Growing-up

Then and Now family Photo Calendar

If your family has group photographs taken over the years, then this idea is a must-have. Arrange your photos in your family photo calendars from when you first started a family and on to the present date. Not only will you see your children growing up, but you can also see yourself and your better half changing and maturing over the years.

9. Motorsport

Motorsport Photo Calendar

A person's wheels are a representation of the person is. We start with vehicles from our very early years, beginning with prams and end with cars or even boats and planes. Try clicking pictures of your family members with their vehicles. Mom can be in her car; dad can be on his cruiser; kid sibling can be on his bike, and so on.

10. Festive fun

Festive fun family photo calendar

Festivals are a wonderful time when families get together and celebrate. Another great part about festivals is that everyone is super dressed-up, making them perfect targets for your snap-happy finger. Include photographs of you and your family celebrating the many festivals of the year for festive fun that will last all year long. Common calendar sizes for every space and let the magic of custom calendar spread.

Read More : 8 Creative Family photo ideas

Wrapping up

With the Picsy app, you can create personalized family photo calendars that are unique keepsakes sporting your favorite family photos.

Our personalized family photo calendars make a perfect gift as well as a brilliant addition to the décor of your home or office and are sure to brighten any space by adding the charm of a personal touch. With these family photo album ideas and a personalized family photo calendar from Picsy, you are never going to forget an important date. With personalized Photo Calendars from Picsy, you are sure to create a family photo story that will stay with you all year round. Download the Picsy App and get started on your personalized Photo Calendar now!

Ready to hold your memories in hand?