If not now, when? If not Photo Book, what?
May 04, 2019

We didn’t realize we were making memories.
We just knew we were having fun

While human beings always want to invent a time machine, have you ever wondered if it’s to go in the future or in the past? Well, the question is diplomatic but the answer is straightforward. We crave to see and do things again what we have already seen and done; that says we are not going into the future, okay?
Also, what would you do if you could go back in time? You have a looong list, right? Life has made you feel that the sad times walk slowly and the happy times run fast. In the long list of ‘I would relive this again’, another question comes ‘Is it even possible to relive any particular moment?’
Fair enough.
If you ask yourself, what all moments do you wish to relive? You may get these:
The day you were born. Your eyes were barely open. Your mother holding you, your father watching you.
Few days later, you started to gaze people and things, wanting to figure out the colors of nature.
Then, you began to smile a little when your name was called. We thought we’re playing with you. Actually, you were playing with us.
You learnt crawling, walking and God, you were running. Your mother running behind you, your father running for you.
You were a grown up, as you used to say. A kid who cries often but smiles more often. A little angel who kept on talking about anything irrelevant – though made your loved ones happiest.
You went to school – you made friends, while few rested, some became BEST. You celebrated Birthdays, you shared lunch boxes and then lives.
Unknowingly unaware about what future has in store for you, you stayed happy all the time – You don’t know, your parents does.
Then, Golden College Days – The assignment hustle amidst the friends’ trip, from getting passing marks to score distinction, your happiness never lied because sadness had never tried on you.
Time sat on wheels – It got acceleration, it speeded up with you, your loved ones, your special memories.
You got married. Remember your first honeymoon? Time never halted – You then hold your child in hands and felt the most wonderful experience on earth. PARADISE, isn’t it?
How does it feel? Goosebumps? Nostalgia? Those sound very shallow words even though we just talked about your happiest moments. As the list is endless and moments are infinite, you need to take a break and see a li’l back, take your photos out from phone, print it, see it, touch it and experience the power of memories (it’s no less than a miracle)
Few memories are to be relived – Some moments deserves to be preserved.
Do it with a custom photo books – you recreate your happy past in the most wonderful form- Print form.
Let’s not go hypothetical this time and talk real. When we’re happy, we just wish to stop the time (which never does) and live happy life for eternity. Nevertheless, until some genius scientist privileges us with such paradise, create a stunningly beautiful Photo Book full of life, your life, your time, your moments.
Cherish your fantastic and stunning moments of your life in equally stunning Photo Books. Create, gift, share and relive the journey of magical memories. Life has given you plenty of happiest occasions and there’s no doubt about it – you have loved and lived it wholly.
Ready to hold your beautiful memories in hands? Start now.
Because if not now, WHEN? And if not Photo Book, WHAT?
Ready to hold your memories in hand?