Five Wanderlust-y Ways to Preserve Your Amazing Travel Tales
Sep 18, 2019

They say that the super secret to be happier and lead a satisfactory life is to invest on unforgettable experiences rather than material things. Bungee jumping, sky diving and scuba diving would definitely give you more adrenaline rush than spending the same money on apparels. This is as rational as it sounds.
I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met.
Traveling is one amazing thing that shocks you first and then surprises you later i.e. It turns any speechless person into a storyteller. That’s drastic, isn’t that? It broadens the perspective of how we see other people, society, culture and country. Some people travel to have fun, few wanderlusts roam to different places to complete their bucket list, and most people travel because they need to come out from monotonous routine.
Whatever the reason, it all comes down to one thing – everyone wants to make the most out of the travel and create memories. In this blog, we tell you some amazingly simple but stunning ways to make your travel tales worthy and preserve it for lifetime.
Buy a Souvenir

Wherever you see the famous keepsakes of the places you visit, just buy it as even the cheapest thing would become souvenir for life. It reminds you every single time you see souvenir in your showcase or desk or table or in cupboard. Buying souvenir is one of the fun parcels of your travel. They are actually ‘experience’ and not ‘possession’. Like a freeze magnet from Dubai, when you stick it on the door of your refrigerator, you are reminded that your Dubai trip was awesome.
Write Travel Journal

Our brain is filled with so many unnecessary things and that is the only reason why we forget important things most of the times. While you are traveling, always keep a notepad or a diary handy. Note down the date, day and time along with the fantabulous scenery or destination you witnessed.
5 months or 6 years down the line, you would want to go into the memory lane, so it’s crucial that you have it in the form of travel journal with photos, kind of a scrap book. The touch and feel of this particular journal/diary will be no less than the taste of an elixir.
Take More Videos

You are photogenic, we know. But videos are lifelike, they give you the exact same feeling when you see it as you experienced. It captures the motion and unlike photos that are static, videos are meant to be more candid. You can pose for 5 seconds and get a picture of how you wish but in video, the originality is captured. The beauty and scenery of the destination is captured neatly and you can see the natural narration inside the video. Empty your phone storage, shoot videos and go travel, travel.
Click Plenty of Photos

The sad part about video is that it cannot be printed; it can just be screen-felt. But we have our all-time favorite hero ‘Photos’. Click, click, click. Don’t miss any instance to capture but don’t miss the real beauty with your naked eyes. Maintain the equilibrium between online and offline. The digital is not an obstacle, it’s a way towards ‘Emotions’.
Clicked enough photos? We have something to tell you about what to do with all the beautiful pictures you took? Read on the next (Important) point.
Make Beautiful Photo Book
You have lived the moment. It’s gone. There is pretty much nothing you can do about it; actually nobody can. As it’s likely said that necessity is the mother of innovation, there ought to be some clever way. How about a printed photo album for all the travel moments? Digital screen can’t be touched and felt but it can certainly take us to the place of ‘Feelings’ and ‘Emotions’.
The final result is: Your Personalized Premium Quality Travel Photo Books. And in those photo books, along with your photos, pepper it up using travel quotes in English.
PicsyPicsy is a smart, simple and superfast application to create supercool photo albums. Get the ease to express your travel stories with superior quality printed photo books. Choose from 150+ creative themes for Birthday, Anniversary, Corporate Events, New Born, Family Togetherness, Friends Reunion, Wedding or Pre-wedding, Engagement, and all special occasions.
All you have to do is:
- Select Favorite Theme
- Upload Photos
- Edit Text and Add Filters
- Change Layout (if you wish)
- Add up to 80 Pages
- Preview and Order
What you get at your doorsteps is ‘Utmost Happiness’ wrapped inside Hard Cover and High Quality Personalized Travel Photo Albums.
Ready to hold your memories in hand?